Tryptamine CAS 61-54-1

  • Factory Direct Supply with Strict Quality Control.
  • Shipping Options: FEDEX, DHL, UPS, HKEMS, NLPOST, EMS,Special line, etc. Tracking number is available.
  • Professional chemical freight & Packaging. Fast & Safe Delivery.
  • Large stock. Ship Within 24H.
  • RU/CA/AU/GE Warehouse. Support Self-Pickup/Door-to-door-delivery/Double Customs Clearance.
  • Tele/Viber/Signal:+86 180 8600 3771     Telegram:@JHMarissa28
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Tryptamine CAS 61-54-1 Product Information

Melting point 113-116 °C (lit.)
Boiling point 137 °C/0.15 mmHg (lit.)
density 0.9787 (rough estimate)
refractive index 1.6210 (estimate)
Fp 185 °C
storage temp. 2-8°C
solubility water: soluble1g/L at 20°C
pka 10.2(at 25℃)
form crystalline
color white

Tryptamine CAS 61-54-1 Product Photo

Tryptamine CAS 61-54-1


Application of Tryptamine CAS 61-54-1

Analogs of Tryptamine CAS 61-54-1 that are typically produced by its synthetic modification play a significant role in individuals due to

the introduction of functionalities that are biologically active in its nucleus that may cause changes in the mental and physical status

of the human brain.
Substitutions on the indole ring at nitrogen and C-2 of its side chain produce numerous neuroactive compounds ranging from anti-migraine

drugs to toxic substances, such as rizatriptan, sumatriptan, and zolmitriptan. A small amount of tryptamine is required due to its fatalities and

intoxication for several reasons.



Powder& Solid: The bulk order is provided with double-layer aluminum thin odor-proof packaging. And the small quantity goods are replaced

with plant extract animal food packaging bags
Liquid& Oil: Change the product name and pack in a sealed bottle or drum.



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TT, Alipay, Cryptocurrency(bitcoin, usdt, xmr,etc), Western union, Money Gram, PanPay, Alibaba Platform or other methods you required.

Contact Information


Tele/Viber/Signal:+86 180 8600 3771




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