1-Naphthoyl chloride CAS 879-18-5

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1-Naphthoyl chloride CAS 879-18-5 Product

Product Name: 1-Naphthoyl chloride
Synonyms: ALPHA-NAPHTHOYL CHLORIDE;TIMTEC-BB SBB006741;1-(Chlorocarbonyl)naphthalene;1-Naphthoic acid chloride;1-NAPHTHOYL CHLORIDE 98%;1-NAPHTHOYL CHLORIDE(ALPHA-) 99+%;1-NAPHTOHYL CHLORIDE;1-Naphthalenecarboxylic acid chloride
CAS: 879-18-5
MF: C11H7ClO
MW: 190.63
EINECS: 212-903-9
Product Categories: Naphthalene series;Miscellaneous;Acid Halides;Carbonyl Compounds;Organic Building Blocks
Mol File: 879-18-5.mol


1-Naphthoyl chloride CAS 879-18-5 Product Photo

1-Naphthoyl chloride


Application of 1-Naphthoyl chloride CAS 879-18-5

  • as derivatization reagent in analysis of short-chained dodecyl alcohol ethoxylates and dodecyl alcohol by solid-phase extraction combined with dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction method
  • as fluorescent labeling reagent in determination of T-2 and HT-2 toxins by HPLC with fluorescence detection
  • in Arndt-Eistert synthesis in the presence of trimethylsilyldiazomethane
  • in preparation of 2-ethyl-1-pentyl-3-(1-naphthoyl)indole


Powder& Solid: The bulk order is provided with double-layer aluminum thin odor-proof packaging. And the small quantity goods are replaced

with plant extract animal food packaging bags
Liquid& Oil: Change the product name and pack in a sealed bottle or drum.



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Contact Information

Email: marissa@jhchemco.com

Tele/Viber/Signal:+86 180 8600 3771




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